Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Awaken the Healer Within"

* Practicing Heart Awareness Reveals the Purity Within *

The beauty of the soul lies in your hearts center. Being conscious of your heart and embracing the innate strength of your body to heal and love, awakens the power of infinite possibilities.

Your full potential and life expression begins with the journey of self-love. This awareness grants each of us the capacity to share creative forms of love in exciting, rich ways with each new day. The opportunity for us to discover our true-selves and purpose is locked deep in the 4th Chakra. It's color is green, the element is air, and the orientation is self-acceptance. 

"The 4th Chakra (in truth) is the heart of the chakra system, balancing the worlds of matter and spirit, it sits with three chakras above and three below."

In Western culture, we often find ourselves dissociating our minds from our body. We fall into the notion that we are human 'doings' rather than human 'beings.' Through habits of consumerism we promote values which do not resonate with our heart's intention and as a result ignorance, disrespect, and harm come into existence. 

Our relationship with ourselves and the five elements of nature brings us back into harmony with the world. In reality, we create small yet profound subtle energies through our thoughts & actions.

 Grow Love, Spread Wellness.
In truth by YogaNV

4th Chakra: The Right to Love
* Is the right of every individual *
Self-Expansion through Devotion!

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